When I was diagnosed with stargardts disease in 2017, I had never heard of it before, nobody I knew had either. I felt so alone, like the only person in the world with this scary, rare sight stealing condition. I had to google what would happen to my eyesight and seek my own support as I wasn’t given anything upon diagnosis.
That’s when I turned to social media and started talking. I was scared at first but people started listening and I found others going through exactly the same and life didn’t feel as terrifying anymore. This post is a reminder to anyone that finds it, that you may be that 1 person in 10,000 living with stargardts disease, but you are certainly not alone ♥️
A picture of Katie with her long dark hair looking at the cameras she has a black jumper on and is standing in front of a fence outside. Caption reads “I am that 1 in 10,000. I am rare ….. stargardts disease (in pink font) “