I can’t believe this one is going to be 1 this weekend. I know everyone says the same thing, but I honestly don’t know where that year has gone. Sawyer is the sweetest, happiest baby and has bought me so much joy in the midst of my despair over my Stargardts diagnosis.

I got told by another mum this past week, that she saw absolutely no logic in me having another child knowing that I have a genetic, progressive eye condition and she just couldn’t understand why I would do this to a child. There is SO much wrong with a comment like this and people need to realise just how ableist it is. People who don’t live your life, have no place to pass judgement on the decisions you make. My eye condition has a less than 1% chance of being passed to my children and even if that chance was higher, does someone who has vision loss, not have the right to be a parent? Do others see a child with vision loss as less worthy than a fully sighted child? Should I not have been born had my parents known I would have Stargardts and lose my eyesight?
When a person makes a comment like this, they are only thinking from their own point of view and how they would cope. The fact is, people with vision loss and especially those who lose their eyesight at a young age, go on to achieve the same as a fully sighted child. People push out their own fears without thinking about how they may affect the recipient. The truth is, I’m as worthy to be a mum as anyone else and any child with a genetic condition is as worthy of life as any child without. Please everyone, think before you speak, you never know how powerful your words can be to someone.
Please be kind ♥️.
Amen, Katie. I think the parent, knowing they have a genetic condition, has to ask him/herself, “Is my life worth living?” If the answer is yes, then by all means have a child and show him/her all the love and care a child deserves. You are doing just that.
I can resonate with this completely, I was once told that I was selfish for bringing a severely disabled child into the world and that it would have been better to terminate my pregnancy.
People can be incredibly mean and unkind. You have a beautiful family and nobody has the right to dictate what you should or shouldn’t do. This is your life. Good on you for making a stand.