If I was stood in a room with 50 other people, would you know that I am the one going blind? Would you know just by looking at me how much I struggle to see my children’s faces or how I can no longer read easily from a book or that watching TV is becoming really difficult? Would you know just from looking at me that I have flashing lights in my central vision all the time and doing my make up every day is really hard work for me? The answer is no, you wouldn’t think any of this just by looking at me.
Not everyone losing vision has a cane or a guide dog, I don’t, and I may never need one, but I will probably still be classed as legally blind in the not so distant future. I can still use a phone because technology has come a long way and is very accessible for the visually impaired. Just because I use a phone, it doesn’t mean that I still don’t struggle to see what is on it.

The point of this post is that by looking at me, you can’t tell the struggles that I go through daily and the heartache I have from knowing that one day I will have a large portion of my vision missing and there is nothing I can do about it. This post is just a simple reminder to all, to be a little bit kinder and a little less judgemental, as we can’t ever tell what someone is truly hiding just by going by what we think we know from looking on the surface ❤️.
Thanks for this great reminder. As a person with an invisible chronic illness I relate to your message. We never truly know what someone else is dealing with.
We really don’t ❤️ thank you for reading x
Hi Katie,
You’re correct as looking at your photo, I never would have guessed about what’s happening with your vision..
The reminder to be kinder and less judgmental is a good one, thank you..
You are welcome ❤️ thank you for reading x
This was an incredible post! Well done for raising awareness and trying to spread some kindness in the world xx
Thank you so much 🥰❤️
Hi just enjoying your blog😀 I was also diagnosed with Stargardts at 32 and relate to your comments . I am now 47 and was registered Severely sighted last year. That was tough to accept as I dont think of myself like that. I work full time in a busy role, travel internationally with work, have 2 children and still do most things. You just focus on what you can do and not what you can no longer do. Keep smiling and posting 😀
Ahh thank you so much for this post and reassuring me ❤️ I’m sorry you were recently registered severely sight impaired, but you sound a very positive and encouraging person, keep going 🥰 x